Previous Significant Representations


Orion G. Callison, III has, over the past 21 years, been privileged to represent and/or assist with the representation of clients in a wide variety of major matters throughout the country*, both in the course of his work at national and regional law firms and now as a private practitioner, including:


• Numerous companies, institutions and individuals in discrimination cases based upon age, gender, religion, race, national origin, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.

 • Sexual harassment, workplace violence and hostile work environment claims.

• Cases under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

• Unpaid wage and Fair Labor Standards Act cases.

• Family Medical Leave Act disputes.

• Retaliation actions for the exercise of employment rights and the assertion of unlawful employment practices.

• Whistleblower claims.

• Several presidents and high level executives of public companies in wrongful termination suits.

• A steel company in a 200 million dollar class action labor case.

• Numerous cases for and against universities in employment law litigation.

• Numerous coal companies in employment litigation.

• A major grocery store chain in employment litigation.

• A major hotel chain in employment litigation.

• Numerous police officers in employment litigation.

• Employment law claims by public employees.


• Numerous physicians and their professional associations in commercial disputes with other physicians, hospitals and physician practice management companies.

• A cement company in construction litigation concerning a multi-million dollar cement import terminal in the Los Angeles harbor.

• A tobacco company in a multi-billion dollar class action.

• A class of subscribers in the HMO multi-district litigation.

• The diminution in value class in the Ford/Firestone multi-district litigation.

• A cement company in a multi-million dollar environmental waste oil clean-up case (CERCLA).

• A leasing company in a major theft of trade secrets action.

• A bank in a case involving civil RICO and embezzlement.

• A wealthy heiress in a multi-million dollar trust dispute.

• A cellular phone provider against a Fortune 500 telecommunications company in a multi-million dollar breach of contract action.

• A cement company in an air pollution case involving the use of toxic waste as a fuel supplement.

• An inventor against two major construction equipment providers in a theft of trade secrets and intellectual property case.

• A Big 6 accounting firm in an accounting malpractice case.

• A large manufacturing company in a multi-million dollar product liability case concerning an international recall.

• A South American airline in a multi-million dollar breach of contract action.

• Numerous claims for tortious interference with business relationships and unfair business practices.

• A multi-million dollar legal malpractice action.

• A government contracting dispute concerning toxic waste treatments at a nuclear power plant.

• A commercial farm in a dispute which led to the passage of new legislation in Georgia.

• Benlate product liability litigation.

• Antitrust litigation against a major food supplier and a large equipment manufacturer.

• Numerous corporate ownership and control disputes.

• Municipal bond litigation.

• Numerous homeowners in mold litigation concerning luxury houses.

• Companies and individuals in construction litigation cases.

• An attorneys’ fee dispute following mass tort class action litigation.

• An intellectual property dispute between major website companies.


•Disputes concerning student admissions, grades, academic discipline and standing, honor code issues, the conferral or withholding of degrees, and matters related to student records and privacy.

• Representation of a large Florida university in education law disputes and litigation.

• Numerous cases where students were injured either on school grounds or a college campus.


• Franchisees in disputes with franchisors and distributors throughout the country.

 • Numerous cases for and against automobile dealerships and manufacturers.

• Litigation on behalf of a variety of restaurant franchisees.


• Numerous administrative proceedings related to labor and employment law.

• Administrative proceedings related to automobile dealerships.

• Professional licensing disputes and actions.

• A night club regarding a liquor license.

• A major league sports All Star in a licensing dispute with a sportswear manufacturer.

• A state bid dispute related to a health benefits provider.

• A famous local restaurant in zoning litigation.

• A soft drink manufacturer in a licensing case.


• Numerous wrongful death actions in several states.

• The State of Florida in negligence actions.

• Miami-Dade County in negligence actions.

• A large university in personal injury litigation.

• Automobile litigation related to significant injuries.

• A railroad in a negligence case.


• A metal works company in what was, at the time, the largest constitutional tax litigation in Alabama history on an issue decided in a parallel case by the United States Supreme Court.


• A professional hockey team in an ownership dispute.

• A dispute with a professional basketball team over the drafting of an international player.

• A copyright action concerning a major motion picture.

• Cases involving fashion modeling contracts.

• Disputes involving musician contracts.


• Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami Beach in Section 2 vote dilution claims under the Federal Voting Rights Act.


• Trials and proceedings in state and federal courts, jury and non-jury, both in Florida and in other jurisdictions.


• State and federal court appeals in numerous jurisdictions.

* The matters listed above are for the purpose of providing examples of the types of matters that have been worked on and are thus part of the firm’s experience. The descriptions are not meant to and do not represent the outcome of these matters or any past results. Any monetary references show the approximate amount in dispute between the litigants and does not reflect the actual outcome or recovery.